Why Non Indians Do Not Always Mean Angrez?

When it comes to understanding the nuances of offshore cultures, small town Indians fall short. Now it is not fair to blame them at all though. The quintessential and average Indian always mistakes a foreigner, as that term is, an angrez. But on behalf of all the other non Brit people, here is a sincere letter of thought.


We come from countries far and wide- The maximum times, we come from places as far as Romania and even Denmark. Do you care to check out the world map ever? Check out how far we are perched away from Britain. And to add to the woes, even the Irish and Welsh are confused as the same. After all merely bring part of the UK does not mean you are angrez!

Next comes the typical Indian mindset to consider all non Indians as foolish. It begins from the airport when the cab drivers rustle up discussion in Hindi that points to planning how to extract more fare from their guests. With Atithi Devo Bhavo as the Indian branding for tourist welcome, one mostly find this opposite attitude. From taking longer routes on cab to trying to track the visitors into silly bargains, there is no end to this cruel rot!


The mentality of branding any European or even Australian as angrez is culturally very unnerving. Would a Tamil like to be branded as Kannada? Well no, what makes one think that a Frenchman could be happy with being passed off for a Brit. We are seriously tired because for everything Indians barely want you learn that they have to delve deeper into Non Indian culture to understand its details.

Non Indians love India and everything Indian. They visit the country in hordes every year. Thus, it will only seemingly be better to be known as Romanian or a Dane than merely being generally classified as Angrez. no one likes being taken for granted!

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