Why in this universe are we devoid of woman created God or Gods?

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How can women perceive or believe themselves to be Gods when they are so programmed to believe otherwise ie. unworthy, unwanted, sinful and not complete unless there is a man in their life.
A man of course! – Well teaching the word of God couldn’t come from a woman because too- man- is the representative of God. Isn’t he?? Oh! And what about those Gurus – men too aren’t they? Priests, Rabbis ,etc. Well, where do we woman fit in the scheme of things? Are we to be forever subservient to God and man? I think that was the plan. But wait a minute. Who made that plan God or man?

Well let’s see as far as I know God created man in his image. What image was that? Human? Spirit? What? I say that because if God was in the beginning, where and when nothing else existed, then what represents God’s image? Is it human form? Is it man not woman? What was his image anyway?

To understand the root of the laws and customs which applied in the Gospel era, it is necessary to step back again in time to see how and why those laws were contrived. In doing this (with the aid of firsthand documentary evidence) we can see that so much of what became religious dogma was born out of fear – hence the expression ‘God fearing’. In an attempt to forge a male dominated society from the time of Moses, such important figures as the once venerated wives of Jehovah were forsaken and this led to a loss of the earthly female ethic which caused no end of insurmountable problems for the generations to follow, even down to date.”

There are so many subtle attitudes women have regarding their true nature. These subtle attitudes come from many sources, genetic, cellular memory, childhood experiences, movies, music, and probably most of all their religious persuasion, etc. All of this is retained in the brain’s neuronet which fires a memory or associative memory.

The effects of the subtleties and the not so subtleties of women’s place in religion and their place with God is similar to the above example. For instance, there is a place in the brain that stores certain symbols and the meaning of what those symbols represent. Example is, the well known cross.

The symbol of Jesus being crucified for our sins. I haven’t figured out yet which sins they were, the ones after I was born or the ones I had before I was born, that were just forgiven with the crucifixion of Jesus. Anyway, what and how we feel about the symbols we see is very subtle indeed since most of the time we are not even aware of seeing them or conscious of how we feel about them.

They can cause us to feel guilty about something in particular ie. eating meat on a day of fast. Having sexual thoughts. Not making the sign of the cross while passing a church. Having a great time on Sunday, or Sabbath even though you didn’t attend church that day or synagogue. Subconsciously one might feel guilty about doing that.

Through the study of quantum mechanics, I found that in order for an atom to coagulate into molecules, then to mass, they have to have an intention and program. Quantum physics says that it is the observer of the atom or particle that determines what the particles become.

I say, if that is so, and I think it is, then we are pretty powerful beings aren’t we. Take the example of Schrodingers Cat experiment that indicates that if you put a cat in a box and sometime later look in the box to see if the cat is alive or dead, that you will see the cat alive or dead according to your observation of your expectation.

This quite simply means according to quantum theory that the observer creates reality according to their expectation. The experiment mentioned here does not separate men from women but includes both. Science tells us that everything is made up of particles. Everything.

Women being ostracized is not new, even in this day and age women continue to be treated less than men and therefore less than God

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