Please Spare Us The Obnoxious PDA

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Is life a three letter word for the gay community? and that word seems to be “SEX” the only priority of their existence.

What else would explain the disgusting PDA Public Display Of Affection.Why such jubiliation when High Court gives a judgement of decriminalising consensual homosexual sex.

I had the misfortune of being the silent spectator of the so called Gay parade. The very very public kissing and hugging were very disgusting. A mother with her some ten year old daughter had the misfortune to be there.I could see the round eyed innocent wonder on her face asking her mother why the two uncles were kissing.why that man was dressed in such a funny dress.

I could see a group of teenagers giggling and watching the spectacle.There were snide remarks and elbowing.All those who were forced to watch this parade were reacting in one similar manner. They were shocked, not amused, mind it.The gawky stares with open mouths every body language was telling the same story.outrageous behaviour.

Now every day in the newspapers,there are pictures of such persons kissing,showing their affection , reports are coming in about the gay marriages.What about other things ,job,responsibilities towards others.

Frankly before all this publicity I was indifferent towards homosexuals.They were the people who had different preferences,period.

But now it seems they are basking in the attention they are receiving which is urging them to behave in a vulgar manner, regardless where they may be.

They are not asking for acceptabilty by their behaviour they are trying to show that they care two hoots for the feeling of general public.How do they expect people to accept them?

Respect the feelings of others and you will get respect

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