Natural Healing Options for Shoulder Pain


If the shoulder were an inanimate object, people would consider it an amazing feat of engineering. Its strong and thin layer of muscles and tendons, coupled with the ball-and-socket on the surface of its joints, allow it to provide the human body with exceptional range of motion. The shoulder controls the hands and arms, making it possible for people to complete a wide range of complex tasks.

Unfortunately, the human shoulder’s size, complexity, and thin layer of protection make it likely that most people will suffer a shoulder injury at some point in their life. Overusing or overstretching the shoulder is some of the most common causes of injury. These motions lead to problems such as strains, sprains, inflammation, bursitis, and tendonitis. The condition of so-called frozen shoulder develops when inflammation occurs in the joint or around it. Frozen shoulder can be both painful and disabling. Diabetes and thyroid disease can also trigger it.

Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injuries

Common causes of injury to the shoulder’s rotator cuff include overuse, natural aging, a fall, or a hit. Typical indications of this type of injury include pain and weakness. A person may develop rotator cuff impingement, tendonitis, or a tear.

Non-Drug and Non-Surgical Treatment of Shoulder Injuries

In addition to pain, frozen shoulder causes stiffness in the affected joint and restricted movement of the shoulder, arms, and hands. Although it can resolve on its own, this can take as long as three years. A rotator cuff injury can take months to recover from as well. Some doctors are quick to prescribe pain relievers, but that only hides the symptoms. Surgery can be risky and create more problems than it solves. Natural therapies make a good alternative for people with shoulder pain who want to avoid both drugs and surgery. Some of the most effective natural methods for shoulder injuries include:



This alternative therapy helps to release trigger pain points through the insertion of tiny needles into the affected muscle in the shoulder.

Hot and cold therapy

An ice pack is most effective for swelling while a heat pack is a good option for pain.


A massage therapist applies firm, continuous pressure to the shoulder to help release the pain.

Nutritional supplements

Improving nutrition through supplementation can relieve shoulder pain as well as various other pains throughout the body.


Not using the affected shoulder muscle as it recovers is the best way to speed up healing and avoid a repeat injury.

Physical therapy

physical therapy

For persistent shoulder injuries, working with a physical therapist may be helpful in finally achieving recovery.


Standing in a door frame and extending both hands to the height of the shoulder helps to break up the pain.

The human body possesses an amazing ability to heal itself. While injuries are often an inevitable part of life, working with the body instead of merely covering its symptoms of pain is the best way to promote long-term healing.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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